BOOK I: Movement
Movement Speed Technical Data
Farore's Wind:
Farore's Wind: Edge Cancels
Farore's Wind: Stall and Other Farore's Ledge Movement
Farore's Wind: Interactions and Bending the Rules
Farore's Wind: Sweet Spotting
Farore's Wind: Teleport Drift
Farore's Wind: UpB Turnaround
Farore's Wind: Multidirectionality, Angles, and Shortens
Farore's Wind: Grounded Movement and Other Fringe Behavior - SOON
Platform Movement:
Fair AC AI
Uair AC AI
Drop Dash
Airdodge Interrupts and Angeldash
Platform Crossing And Stage Traversal: Optimizations - SOON
Platform Warp Doublejump AKA Jellyfishing - SOON
Jellydash and Other Max Length Waveland Setups - SOON
Ledge Movement:
Hax Dash, Ribbondash, and Other Ledge Options
Farore's Wind: Stall and Other Farore's Ledge Movement
Invuln Ledgehop Kicks
Ground Movement:
Boost Wavedash / Wavesurfing
BOOK II: Offense / Defense
Nayru's Love:
Nayru's Love: Basics
Nayru's Love: Subwarp
Moonwalk As A Spacing Tool - SOON
Chaingrabs and Throw Followups - SOON
Out-Of-Shield Options and Shield Drops - SOON
Tech Chasing and Platform Tech Chasing - SOON
Ledgekick and Ribbonkick
Invuln Ledgehop Kicks
Using All Parts Of The Kick: Hitbox Breakdowns- SOON
Bair vs. Fair: Technical Breakdown
Platform Warp Kick - SOON
Edge Cancel Kicks - SOON
Waveland Kick and Triangle Kick - SOON
Animation Transition and Interceptive Punishing - SOON
I stand on the shoulders of giants. Props to all involved.